Monday, November 29, 2010

Death of Alpha

Testosterone drove civilization. More precisely, man created conflict and fought it. We need more food, so we will invent agriculture. We want a larger empire, so we will create Roman rule. We have factories, now we need to transport our goods quickly, so we will build trains.

Lack of conflict kills testosterone. Lack of conflict kills men and turns them into vaginas.

I remember my roommate talking to me about a girl. I told him if he wants to be attractive, he must change his sedentary ways and gain ambition; his life consists of video games and complacence, embracing integration with the system like a jubilant child coddled by momma.

She is now his girlfriend, anyway.

There is no more inescapable conflict in Britney Spears and Gaga land. The office worker couch potato needs to farm no food, hunt no game, conquer no empire, and create no product.

Lack of conflict is killing alpha.

Industrialization and the removal of historically masculine obligations is responsible for feminism. The women let loose when the men are not needed. Like RooshV, I can see no solution; our lives are easier than ever, and there is no incentive for the dominant mentality once required to be an alpha male.

The weak died. The impassive were shunned. The beta male of 2010 B.C.E. was as hardened as the toughest of alphas today. Lethargy and passivity were simply not tolerated in early societies; too much work was to be done.

Technological progress is almost by definition resolution of conflict, and thus directly correlated to betaization of society.

Our only salvation is science fiction: genetic modification or virtualization of our existence—removing human, and thus animal, traits in the process.

But hey, at least more pussy for me.


  1. True, true. But man could always make more conflict. Man could always fill his plate with more.

  2. And this is why our government sends airborne drones to shoot bombs at the Pashtun tribesmen it calls "Taliban" ... the last men on Earth who have not succumbed to "civilization".

    Allahu fucking akbar.
