Monday, November 29, 2010

Death of Alpha

Testosterone drove civilization. More precisely, man created conflict and fought it. We need more food, so we will invent agriculture. We want a larger empire, so we will create Roman rule. We have factories, now we need to transport our goods quickly, so we will build trains.

Lack of conflict kills testosterone. Lack of conflict kills men and turns them into vaginas.

I remember my roommate talking to me about a girl. I told him if he wants to be attractive, he must change his sedentary ways and gain ambition; his life consists of video games and complacence, embracing integration with the system like a jubilant child coddled by momma.

She is now his girlfriend, anyway.

There is no more inescapable conflict in Britney Spears and Gaga land. The office worker couch potato needs to farm no food, hunt no game, conquer no empire, and create no product.

Lack of conflict is killing alpha.

Industrialization and the removal of historically masculine obligations is responsible for feminism. The women let loose when the men are not needed. Like RooshV, I can see no solution; our lives are easier than ever, and there is no incentive for the dominant mentality once required to be an alpha male.

The weak died. The impassive were shunned. The beta male of 2010 B.C.E. was as hardened as the toughest of alphas today. Lethargy and passivity were simply not tolerated in early societies; too much work was to be done.

Technological progress is almost by definition resolution of conflict, and thus directly correlated to betaization of society.

Our only salvation is science fiction: genetic modification or virtualization of our existence—removing human, and thus animal, traits in the process.

But hey, at least more pussy for me.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Reason For Game

I am a man. This would have felt awkward to say two years ago. For one, I was seventeen. I was also a wimp. We both know why you are reading this blog. You have also felt this way. We have this in common: a desire to improve oneself in every aspect. One of the most socially important and hedonistically pleasing skills we can acquire as humans is adeptness at courtship—whether for one-day fucking or lifelong commitment. So let's.

Before blogs and pick-up reality shows, there was a simple dichotomy of man and woman. This was not an elaborate patriarchal setup. This was the natural order, offspring of evolution. Dominance and submission. One only needs to grab a classic movie from the 50's to see this dynamic in its strongest. Feminism and over-intellectualization has led to a setting where girls strut around like goddesses, parading their massive ego's into nightclubs in the triad strip of boots, skirt, and low-cut shirt. In fact, an argument could be made that feminism is simply the world's biggest shit test, and America failed it.

Enter game. The coined word is misleading. Indeed, in the Mystera era of “who lies more” and feather boas, the attitude is as Tyler Durden described in the Blueprint. “All these hot girls who don't want to sleep with us? We'll game and trick them! Into bed! Mwaha!” Then, “game” was the accurate term. We now have better technology. In fact, it is a regression to our ancestor's roots: being a man. The alpha/beta dichotomy sounds basic, almost infantile, but it has become a defining component of modern game. Nowadays, those with the greatest success would find it more accurate to say “I am going out manning” than “I am going out gaming.”

I wish to impress on you that seduction is simple: being aware of your own high value, and never, ever compromising on that. Yet the implementation is difficult. Very difficult. It may possibly be the hardest thing you ever learn. It requires effort, and a lot of it. I am writing this journal to help organize my views. Yet having more dominant men will make our society better and stronger, so I hope you will gain something from it too, and grow out of it as I did.

Game On

I'm Wesno. I will be writing about game. The list of my favorite bloggers below should indicate the flavor. 

Eric Disco

I read these religiously; any other sources are sporadic.